As mães da Comunidade Baleeira não conheciam a "Orquestrando a Vida", e agora se sentem orgulhosas de terem seus filhos estudando música clássica. “Estamos com muita vontade de assistir a um concerto no Trianon” - Disse uma das mães!
Zelaine Gomes de Souza, mãe de Karllos Kleyton de 4 anos tambem estudante de violino disse: “Meu filho veio só ver e logo quis fazer parte do projeto, agora os outros dois tambem querem, mas como estudam pela tarde só a partir do próximo ano onde serão abertas aulas pela manhã.”
Começamos em outubro, estamos com 40 crianças, nossa meta para ano que vem são
100 crianças. As pessoas ficam apavoradas só de entrar errado de carro aqui,
quero mostrar que não somos tudo isso que falam.
E com a orquestra vieram as
visitas importantes, até antes de inaugurarmos oficialmente o que também nos
deixa muito orgulhosos. No Início de agosto, Jackie Martino e Terry Hess professoras de música da King Low
School – USA, o Vice-Cônsul dos USA John Eliot veio em setembro, e agora em novembro, já
funcionando tudo, todos de uniforme, veio o Maestro do Panamá Samuel Robles, as pessoas nem
acreditam nas fotos, pensam que é montagem. Com a orquestra aqui quero mostrar
para sociedade que só precisamos de uma chance, somos gente com capacidade de
Después de 2 meses en funcionamiento, los residentes de la comunidad de caza de ballenas hablaban de lo que se siente con la nueva vida de sus hijos que son ahora parte de la "Vida Orchestrating" a través del núcleo se abrió en la comunidad, el "núcleo" ballenera.
Las madres de la comunitarias Baleeira no saber "Orquestando la vida" y ahora se sienten orgulloso de tener a sus hijos estudiar música clásica. "Estamos muy dispuestos a asistir a un concierto en el Trianón"-dijo una de las madres!
Andrezza Nazareno Ribeiro, madre de Kauanny, estudiante de violín de apenas 5 años dice: "nunca imaginé que estaría interesado en esta canción"' diferente' ", es ahora mucho más tranquilo y muy interesado".
Zelaine Gomes de Souza, madre de Karllos Kleyton de estudiante de violín de 4 años también dijo: "mi hijo llegó sólo ver e inmediatamente quería ser parte del proyecto, ahora también desean que los otros dos, pero como por la tarde sólo desde el año próximo se va a abrir las clases por la mañana".
Dona Penha, responsable de la Asociación de vecinos de los comentarios de bote salvavidas: "estoy rebosante de alegría ver la '" orquestando vida "', trabajando aquí en la comunidad. No cree porque muchas personas ya han llegado y prometió mucho y no hizo nada, Jony vino, habló y rápido hecho y hecho!
Comenzamos en octubre, tenemos 40 niños, nuestra meta para el año que viene son 100 niños. Personas se miedo acaban de entrar en la campaña mal aquí, quiero mostrar que no somos esta hablando.
Y con la orquesta llegaron visitas importantes, incluso antes de inaugurar oficialmente lo que también nos hace muy orgullosos. A principios de agosto, Jackie Martino y profesores Terry Hess de la música del rey baja escuela-usos, el Vice cónsul de Estados Unidos John Eliot llegó en septiembre, y ahora en noviembre, ya funcionando todo, todos de uniforme, fue el conductor de Panamá Samuel Robles, no creen en las fotos, creo que es apropiado. Con la orquesta aquí quiero mostrar a la sociedad que sólo necesitan una oportunidad, son personas con capacidad de crecer".
Whaling community mothers did not know the "Orchestrating the Life", and now feel proud of having their children studying classical music. "We are very willing to attend a concert at Trianon"-Said one of the mothers!
Scott Nazarene Ribeiro, mother of Edgar, violin student of just 5 years says: "never imagined that she would be interested in this song" ' different ' ", is now much more calm and very interested."
Zelaine Gomes de Souza, mother of Dan James of 4 years violin student also said: "my son came only see and immediately wanted to be part of the project, now the other two also want, but how to study in the afternoon only from next year it will open classes in the morning."
Dona Penha, responsible for the residents ' Association of the Lifeboat comments: "I am overflowing with joy seeing the '" Orchestrating life "', working here in the community. Not believed because so many people have already come and promised so much and did nothing, Jony came, spoke and made and made fast!
After 2 months in operation, residents of the whaling community spoke what are feeling with the new life of your children that are now part of "Orchestrating life" through the core was opened within the community, the "core" Whaling.
Whaling community mothers did not know the "Orchestrating the Life", and now feel proud of having their children studying classical music. "We are very willing to attend a concert at Trianon"-Said one of the mothers!
Scott Nazarene Ribeiro, mother of Edgar, violin student of just 5 years says: "never imagined that she would be interested in this song" ' different ' ", is now much more calm and very interested."
Zelaine Gomes de Souza, mother of Dan James of 4 years violin student also said: "my son came only see and immediately wanted to be part of the project, now the other two also want, but how to study in the afternoon only from next year it will open classes in the morning."
Dona Penha, responsible for the residents ' Association of the Lifeboat comments: "I am overflowing with joy seeing the '" Orchestrating life "', working here in the community. Not believed because so many people have already come and promised so much and did nothing, Jony came, spoke and made and made fast!
We started in October, we have 40 children, our goal for the coming year are 100 children. People get scared just entering wrong drive here, I want to show that we are not all this talking.
And with the Orchestra came important visits, even before officially inaugurate what also makes us very proud. In early August, Jackie Martino and Terry Hess teachers of music of King Low School-USES, the Vice Consul of USA John Eliot came in September, and now in November, already running everything, all in uniform, came the conductor of Panama Samuel Robles, people do not believe in the photos, think is fitting. With the Orchestra here want to show society that we just need a chance, are people with ability to grow. "
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